People in the Province whose property has suffered damage as a result of this weather event are requested by the Department of Justice and Public Safety’s Emergency Measures Organization to report the damage to Service New Brunswick.
Heavy rain event on February 28 & 29, 2024 – deadline to register May 29, 2024.
These reports will assist officials with the assessment of damages in order to determine whether our community will be eligible for Disaster Financial Assistance.
A recent social media post drew attention to crime in our area and encouraged anyone interested to attend our January Protective Services standing committee meeting held last Monday evening.
New Brunswickers affected by the storm on Dec. 18-19 can report property damage by calling the Damage Report Line at 1-888-298-8555 or by registering online.
Sussex wishes to advise residents of Ward 2 of its ongoing schedule to complete preventative maintenance on Well 3 of the Ward 2 Water Distribution System between November 20th and December 20th and our status of ongoing work to conduct this maintenance.
Sussex wishes to advise residents of Ward 2 of its ongoing schedule to complete preventative maintenance on Well 3 of the Ward 2 Water Distribution System between October 20th and November 20th and our status of ongoing work 19th to conduct this maintenance.
Family Violence Prevention Month is a time to increase awareness of the warning signs of family violence and the resources and supports available so we can work together to end family violence and build healthier relationships in our communities.
The Province of New Brunswick and NB EMO designated November 6 to November 12 as “Storm Preparedness Week”. Severe weather comes with warning, but not with certainty. Being prepared for an emergency begins with proactive preparation. By knowing the risks in your area, making a plan, and creating an emergency kit, you can be prepared to handle the uncertainty of severe weather this Winter Season. This is especially important for newcomers experiencing their first Canadian Winter.
“Be sure your family is prepared to handle major storms this winter season,” said New Brunswick Public Safety Minister Kris Austin.
Storms can quickly disrupt daily life. By having the following steps in place, you can be ready to face the challenges of inclement weather:
Step 1 – Know the risks: It is important to know the risks specific to your community. Environment and Climate Change Canada warns of many winter weather hazards such as blizzards, ice storms, and strong winds. With those conditions in mind, you can set forth an emergency plan and create an emergency kit. Stay informed of the risks by using an emergency alert provider. Sussex uses Voyent Alert to issue emergency alerts during severe weather, or an emergent situation.
Step 2 – Emergency Plan: Having a plan in place for severe storms is crucial for ensuring safety and minimizing damage to a property. Create an emergency plan for your family that includes a list of emergency contacts, a designated meeting place, and a plan for how to communicate during a storm.Important documents may be another item you want to have on hand in the event of an evacuation.
Step 3 – Make an Emergency Kit: In an emergency, all basic supplies are necessary. Be prepared to be self sufficient for at least 72 hours. Make sure your kit includes items such as food, water, medications, first aid kit, blankets, and your emergency plan. Be sure everyone in the household knows where the emergency kit is located and is able to reach it.
Stay informed! While the dangers of a storm can’t be prevented, staying aware and proactive is possible! Sussex uses Voyent Alert as their emergency alert provider. Alerts pertaining to weather related emergencies will provide you directions to locate warming shelters and provide up to date information on the emergency situation. To sign up for Emergency Alerts through Voyent Alert, visit or call Town Hall at (506) 432-4540 to register.
More information is available in the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organizations’ emergency preparedness document Are you ready? and on the federal government’s Get Prepared website.
Every year, from the last Friday of October to November 11, tens of millions of Canadians wear a Poppy as a symbol of honor and Remembrance for those who have served and sacrificed for our freedom.
The Poppy Campaign is a program run by the Royal Canadian Legion to distribute Poppies and collect donations to support veterans and their families within the Community.
Poppies can be found in every corner of Canada leading up to November 11, thanks to the dedication of thousands of Legionnaires who volunteer to distribute Poppies to the community through schools, community organizations, and local businesses. The Poppy can be worn on the left lapel, close to the heart, everyday of the Poppy Campaign until the end of the November 11th Remembrance Day Ceremony.
The Poppy Campaign is recognized around the world, and the Poppy has become widely adopted as a symbol of Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future
On Friday, October 27th, the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 20 Sussex Legion 1st Vice-President Malcolme Collins pins the 2023 First Poppy on Past President Doug McLean to commemorate the 2023 Poppy Campaign. Mayor Marc Thorne was present as the Town’s representative, as well as Past President Allan (Al) Bowie, and the Sussex Branch 20 Ladies’ Auxiliary representative, Dorothy Perrie.
World Polio Day is an annual event to raise awareness and resources for the worldwide effort to eradicate polio. It provides an opportunity to highlight the global efforts toward a polio-free world and honor the tireless contributions of those on the frontlines in the fight to end Polio from every corner of the Globe.
October 16 to 20 is National Foster Family Week to acknowledge the unwavering commitment by the Foster Families who offer love and support to children when they can no longer live safely in their own homes. Foster Families deserve an enormous amount of gratitude for their dedication and commitment.