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Geothermal Feasibility Study Phase II

Our results are in, and the final document that has resulted from an exhaustive study into the flooded depths of the decommissioned potash mine in Penobsquis has revealed an exciting opportunity to produce geothermal energy for the Sussex area. Our final report has been three years in the making and has identified the true viability of developing a lower cost, carbon-friendly heating and cooling source that has the potential to grow a region recovering from the loss of its potash mining activity.

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PRESS RELEASE: Flood Master Plan

The Town of Sussex and the Village of Sussex Corner are working towards mitigating flooding in the two communities as outlined in a master plan developed by RV Anderson engineering consultants.

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Municipal Plan Review

The Town of Sussex is undertaking a review of its Municipal Plan By-law with the intent to provide better direction and guidance for the Town and its residents over the next ten (10) years. The Municipal Plan By-law will be updated through a community-led planning process, which will allow Town Staff to capture community priorities and implement new objectives for the Town of Sussex. Help us with your future!

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