Sussex Recognizes National Foster Family Week
October 16 to 20 is National Foster Family Week to acknowledge the unwavering commitment by the Foster Families who offer love and support to children when they can no longer live safely in their own homes. Foster Families deserve an enormous amount of gratitude for their dedication and commitment.
Children in foster care often face the hardship of being separated from their families, familiar surroundings, and predictable next steps. Foster families provide a stable and safe environment for these children to help them feel more secure and supported, while providing unconditional love and guidance.
On October 16, Sussex CAO Scott Hatcher and representatives from the New Brunswick Foster Families Association Inc. raised a flag to recognize the importance of Foster Families, volunteers, and advocates that support our communities’ most vulnerable members.
If you are interested in fostering, or would like more information, Please visit or call 1-833-SDDSTel (1-833-733-7835) or email