Waste & Recycling

The Town of Sussex is committed to improving our environment. One of the easiest ways to do so is to commit to 100% 3-Stream separation.
Let’s work together to make the 3-Stream system a success in Sussex. After all, our community is worth the effort !
What is the 3-Stream Separation System?
In South-East New Brunswick, the 3-Stream Separation System is used to reduce the amount of waste going into the landfill. The sorting program is a way to separate household waste into three categories- blue bags for recyclable material, green bags for compostable material and clear bag for garbage.
How do I separate my waste?
BLUE waste consists of recyclable materials. This includes items such as metals, paper, cardboard, hard plastics (numbered 1, 2,3,4,5, and 7), grocery bags, Styrofoam, electronics and milk cartons. Items should be cleaned of debris by rinsing, wiping or shaking before placing them in your bag. The blue bag recycling program is now managed by Circular Materials, a national not for profit organization that is committed to building an efficient and effective recycling system in New Brunswick. Learn more at Circular Materials.
GREEN waste consists of compostable materials. This includes food scraps, napkins, paper towels, tissues and tobacco.
CLEAR waste consists of garbage. This includes non-recyclable and non-compostable household, bathroom and kitchen waste (i.e. glass, meat tray liners, chip bags, sanitary pads, fabric, soft plastics etc).
HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE (HHW) is not accepted in the blue, green or clear bags and has its own collection and disposal procedures. These materials may be corrosive, flammable, poisonous, or consists of sharp objects. Examples include propane tanks, syringes, batteries, nail polish remover and CFL light bulbs.
Household hazardous waste may be taken to the HHW Mobile Collection Unit during the Spring & Fall campaigns.
Residential property owners may, at their own expense, deposit garbage bags at RSC8 Regional Waste Management Facility, at 54 McLeod Drive at any time during their business hours.
The contractor has been instructed by the Town to pick up only clear, blue, and green bags on designated pick up days.
Click here for the collection schedule, sorting guide and solid waste tool.
Residents are asked to have garbage set out no later than 8:00am on the day of pickup and to please refrain from placing garbage out the night before. RESIDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO PUT BLEACH ON THEIR GARBAGE BAGS TO DETER ANIMALS/BIRDS. This is a health and safety risk and the contractor will not pick up garbage so treated.
The Town of Sussex maintains a Composting Facility on McLeod Drive between the Works Center and the RSC8 Regional Waste Management Facility. It is open at all times for the convenience of RESIDENTIAL users only. Commercial users are required to make other arrangements.
This facility accepts the following items which are compostable: grass clippings, leaves and garden wastes. (these are to be placed as close the large pile of leaves as possible, between the signs.) and shrubs, branches and tree parts (these items require processing before composting and are to be placed as close to the brush pile as possible, between the signs).
Town residents are requested to make arrangements to have all compostable items transported to the Compost Facility on McLeod Drive.
Citizens may pick up compost from the compost pile (when available) for their own use.