Recreation Program Refund Request
A Town of Sussex Community Services Department Program refund will be given to an individual only when the appropriate refund request form and original program receipt are submitted to the Events and Programs Manager, who will submit them for approval/recommendation and subject that:
- A request for withdrawal that is received prior to the start of classes will be given a full refund of fees less an administrative fee as specified in the appropriate rate by-law; and
- A partial refund is given if the request is received after the program has begun. “Partial refund” means that the administrative fee ($10.00) plus a proportional amount for the classes (lessons, classes, games, etc.) that took place prior to the refund request is deducted from the total amount refunded.
Refunds will only be considered when the request has been submitted by the person to whom the receipt was issued.
A full refund will be issued to all registrants when the program has been cancelled by the Community Services Department in its entirety.
All refunds will only be complete once from RD-19-001: Program Refund Request form has been filled out.
All refunds are paid in the form of a cheque and will be mailed to the addressed on submitted on the RD-19-001: Program Refund Request form below.