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Flood Prevention Subsidy Program

Sussex recognizes that a flooded basement can be one of the most stressful and disruptive events associated with being a homeowner. An overloaded sewer (known as surcharging) usually happens during severe rainstorms. Sewers can become overloaded due to excessive water flow from:

• Downspouts (roof leaders)
• Weeping Tiles / Foundation Drains
• Sump pumps connected to lines designated for sanitary sewer flows

In order to assist homeowners to reduce the potential for future flooding from a backup of the sanitary sewer system, Sussex is providing a one-time Basement Flood Prevention Subsidy, there up to a maximum of $3,000.00, to assist:

• Sussex residents who have a history of basement floods caused by a backup or surcharge of the sanitary sewer system.
• Sussex residents who have not experienced flooding but would like to correct improper storm water connections and install a backwater valve.

A one-time subsidy up to a maximum of $3,000.00. Please see the table below for a breakdown of the maximum allowance.

Subsidized Item / Work

Includes Costs For:

Percentage of Total Cost /  Maximum Reimbursement

Weeping Tile Disconnection / Sump Pump System

Disconnection of the weeping tiles/foundation drains from the sanitary sewer system.

Purchase & installation of a sump pump system; to receive storm water from the weeping tiles and to direct water to suitable location away from home.

Covers costs for materials, labour, permit & taxes.

Subsidy is for 50% of the invoiced total by contractor up to a maximum of $2,000.00.

Disconnection of Downspouts

Costs associated with redirecting downspouts away from home and to cap the existing pipe leading to the weeping tiles at the side of the home.

Subsidy is for 50% of all costs up to a maximum of$300.00.

*Backwater Valve

Purchase and installation of a building code / plumbing code approved backwater valve inside the home.

Covers costs for materials, labour, permit & taxes.

Subsidy is for 50% of the invoiced total by contractor up to a maximum of $700.00.

* Homeowners will only quality for this subsidy if they have demonstrated they do not have any downspout or weeping tile / foundation drain connections to the sanitary sewer.


The homeowner coordinates all of the necessary work, as follows:

1. Perform the necessary due diligence in selecting a qualified drainage contractor capable of performing the work) in your home. Some important things to consider when selecting a contractor who is right for you are:

o We suggest obtaining at least 3 estimates for competitive pricing.

o Ask for, and check contractor references.

2. Apply to Sussex Town Hall for a building permit to conduct the work.

3. Once approved, complete the work.

4. Once all work is complete, arrange for an inspection and documentation from Sussex ensuring the work meets the National Building Code standards.

5. Submit a completed Application Package to Sussex. The following items MUST be included in the application package in order for a reimbursement to be granted:

o Invoices of Work Completed and/or Receipt(s) for Materials

– From contractors and the homeowner

o Copy of Plumbing Permit from Department of Public Safety

– complete with Permit Number and Description of work permitted.

o Confirmation of Inspection completion from Sussex may be in the form of an email to the homeowner from the town’s Building Inspector.

o Written proof from contractor indicating that sump pump is not required / advised (and why) when the backwater valve is only being installed.

Please mail or drop off all required information to:
Works Department
524 Main Street,
Sussex, NB,
E4E 3E4

Upon review of the completed application ensuring the work completed meets the National Building Code of Canada standards, a cheque will be mailed to the homeowner within 4 – 6 weeks.


1. The town of Sussex (“the Town”) supports local residents in taking proactive measures to mitigate the risk of basement flooding events through the Basement Flooding Prevention Subsidy Program (“the Program”). These terms and conditions are set out to govern conditions of any support between Sussex and the Applicant as part of the Program.

2. Work is defined as any of the following:

o Disconnection of downspouts from the sanitary sewer system.

o Disconnection of weeping tiles from the sanitary sewer system and
installation of a sump pump system with battery backup.

o Installation of a National Building Code / Plumbing Code of Canada
approved backwater valve.

o Homeowners will only qualify for the Backwater valve subsidy if they have
demonstrated they do not have any downspout or weeping tile/foundation
drain connections to the sanitary sewer).

Homeowners will only qualify for the Backwater valve subsidy if they have demonstrated they do not have any downspout or weeping tile/foundation drain connections to the sanitary sewer).

3. Completed Work is defined as Work that is fully functional and acceptable under industry standard. Work is only deemed “Complete” upon meeting National Building Code of Canada / Plumbing Code standards and approval by the Building Inspector.

4. All Work, and inspection of Work, is to be coordinated by the homeowner.

5. The homeowner is responsible for the on-going operation and maintenance of all equipment installed as part of the Work.

6. The homeowner must sign the application form and waiver form, releasing Sussex from any liability resulting from Work carried out as part of the Basement Flooding Prevention Subsidy Program.

7. Reimbursement will occur upon satisfactory review of the submitted required forms and associated documentation, and the Work being declared Complete. A Cheque will be mailed out within 4-6 weeks of receipt of an acceptable and complete application.

8. Sussex will not be held responsible for any maintenance or warranty, with respect to the performance, capabilities, or failures of any work, device, or workmanship related to any Work performed or participation in any part of this subsidy program.

9. Sussex reserves the right to accept or reject, at its sole discretion, any application or any part thereof.

10. At any time and for any reason, Sussex may terminate the Program and refuse any or all further applications. Any such decisions may be made at Sussex’s sole discretion.

11. Failure to meet any or all conditions of the Terms and Conditions may result in application refusal, disentitlement to any subsidy, and/or refusal of future applications to the Program.


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