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Become a Volunteer on a Sussex Committee

Volunteering on a Sussex committee or on a local board is one of the ways you can get involved and make a difference in our community. Committees provide advice to Council and staff on issues important to the public. Sussex is looking for residents that can assist Council in strengthening Sussex as a diverse and inclusive community.

Current committee opportunities

Sussex Council invites members of the public who reside, own property, own a business, or work in the municipality of Sussex to apply for committees for a two year term.

Sussex encourages you to apply to any committee or board that interests you.

  • Advisory Committee on Arts & Culture
  • Planning Advisory Committee
  • Municipal Standards Appeals Tribunal
  • Sussex Regional Library Board

Apply to be on a committee

Your application can be submitted online through our application form attached. You can apply for multiple committees, but a separate application must be submitted for each one. 

Apply Here for Committee Opportunities

If you would like a paper or PDF copy of the application form, or if you would like more information on the committees and how to apply, please contact the office of the Town Clerk at or by telephone at (506) 432-4540.

How committees work and codes of conduct

Advisory committees hold public meetings to discuss topics within their mandate. Any person can attend a meeting or sign up to be a delegate before the committee.

Every committee elects a chair who presides over the public meetings. Committees also have non-voting staff members who provide advice to the committee, circulate agendas, and take minutes.

Committees are governed by Sussex’s procedural by-law and members are required to follow a code of conduct and conflict guidelines during their term of committee.

The following apply for committee members:.

Conflict of Interest guideline

Procedural By-law of Sussex