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Mayor and Council

Shown (standing – left to right): Heather Moffett (Treasurer), Councillor Graham Milner, Councillor Eric Nelson, Councillor Paul Maguire, Councillor Doug Bobbitt, Councillor Fred Brenan, Scott Hatcher (CAO), Tara Olesen (Clerk),
(seated – left to right) Deputy Mayor Tim Wilson, Mayor Marc Thorne, Councillor Catherine MacLeod.

The Town of Sussex is governed by a Council consisting of a Mayor, and 7 Councillors. The Mayor and Councillors serve for a four-year term, with municipal elections being held on the second Monday in May during the year set aside for municipal elections by the Province of New Brunswick.

Council is responsible for conducting the business of municipal government. This is done through a variety of meetings, including regular Council meetings, Council-in-Committee meetings, Standing Committee meetings, and other committee and board meetings.

2025 Meetings of Council

The Council meets on the third Monday of each month. In the event that the third Monday falls on a holiday, the Meeting of Council will be held the Tuesday following the holiday.

Council Meetings traditionally begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall at 524 Main Street in Sussex.

Council minutes will be posted following their approval by Council (at the next meeting).

Minutes of Past Council Meetings

Committee Meetings

The business of the town of Sussex is extensive and varied, often dealing with many complicated and time consuming issues. In order to organize this business into manageable components, the town of Sussex operates under a Committee Structure.

Each Committee oversees one or more municipal departments, and it is through these meetings that staff report to Council.

The Committee reviews the suggestions of the various department(s) and recommendations are made to Council on an appropriate course of action relative to the topic discussed. In addition, correspondence from the public, related to the above issues, is reviewed and discussed at this time.

Public attendance and participation is encouraged at Committee Meetings since they allow for less formal discussion and questions.

Committee meetings are held the week prior to each regularly scheduled Council Meeting at 6:00pm at the Town Hall 524 Main Street, Sussex.

Minutes of Past Committee Meetings