T-01 Affordable Housing Grant Program Policy – Application Form T-01-01

T-01 Affordable Housing Grant Program Policy – Application Form T-01-01


Section A – Landowner Information (Non-Profit applicant/Corporation)

Must be the landowner
Mailing Address of Landowner:
Mailing Address of Landowner:

Section A – Applicant/Agent Information

Mailing Address:
Mailing Address:

Section B – Authorization

I certify that I am the owner of the land that is subject of this Application, and I hereby authorize our agent/solicitor to make this Application and to act on my behalf in regard to this Application.
Name of Owner:
Name of Owner:
First Name
Last Name
Name of Solicitor:
Name of Solicitor:
First Name
Last Name
I certify that I am the owner of the land that is subject of this application, and I hereby authorize our agent/solicitor to make this Application and to act on my behalf in regard to this Application.

Section C – Non-profit Corporation and Property Information

Maximum file size: 516MB

(e.g. This is the same as total dwelling units in project if the construction of the entire project is dependent on the Affordable Housing – HAF Affordable Housing Development Grant Program)

Section D – For-Profit Corporation and Property Information

Maximum file size: 516MB

(e.g. This is the same as total dwelling units in project if the construction of the entire project is dependent on the Affordable Housing – HAF Affordable Housing Development Grant Program)

Section E – Undertaking

I / WE HEREBY APPLY for a Grant under this Policy. I / WE HEREBY AGREE that I/we have read and understand this Policy and to abide by the terms and conditions of the Affordable Housing – Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Affordable Housing Development Grant Program as specified in this Application. I / WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the information contained in this Application is true, correct, and complete in every respect and may be verified by the town of Sussex by such inquiry as it deems appropriate, including inspection of the property for which this Application is being submitted. I/WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the property for which an Application has been submitted, is not in violation or contravention to any town of Sussex by-law and is not subject to any outstanding work orders or any other enforcement procedures of the town of Sussex or any other governmental authority. I / WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the property for which an Application has been submitted, shall is not in a position of property tax arrears or downtown Business Improvement Area contributions. All property taxes and Business Improvement Area contributions owing shall be paid prior to the disbursement of any fee-related grant. I / WE HEREBY CERTIFY that at any time the occupation, use, development and/or improvement of the property for which an Application has been submitted, is non-compliant with the by-laws of the town of Sussex and such condition of breach continues for a period of 30 days following written notification by the town of Sussex to the landowner, the Chief Administrative Officer, or designate thereof, at their option and without prejudice to any other remedy which may be available, cancel remaining disbursement/grant payments and/or refuse the approval of any subsequent grant funding Applications under the Affordable Housing – Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Development Grant Program or any other program of the town of Sussex.
Name of Owner or Authorized Agent:
Name of Owner or Authorized Agent:
First Name
Last Name